Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008...not so great...

So 2008 is not off to a real great start. House got robbed. Got rejected at customs on my way to LA. Christmas gifts got stolen. oh, and i have to pay for another flight. sweet mercy it's been a bad day.

But really...it doesn't make any difference. it's more expensive for me and i have no idea how it will pan out, but it doesn't change anything. The past few days God has really taken me to a place where i realize how valuable my relationships are. i really love my friends and family. If i can't afford to do anything else the rest of my life but still invest in relationships i think i will live a full life. It hurts dishing out to follow God's leading, but if i can invest in one person's life the way my friends and mentors have invested in mine, then a little financial crunch won't change anything.


Jazzy said...

awwww, that sucks that your house got robbed and that your flight cost you more. but you have landed safely in L.A. now, right?

as always, i agree with what you wrote in your blog: i think the meaning of life is relationships - with god and with others. that is definitely my purpose here.

hoj, you are wise for your age.

Tom Jon said...

Man, did we ever have a bad Jan.1!!!
2008 has picked up a bit since then...
but I need you man! I'm out of control! come back!
My relationship messes have only developed!
Seriously, if you could pray for that...
Love you bro.