so this is what blogs are like. they're not bad. i thought Jesusthoughts was appropriate, i think God is speaking through our thoughts and desires more than we know...
So my first post has to do with me struggling to comprehend God. I am a big fan of struggling with God, i believe if your not struggling with God in any aspect, you are probably at least half dead in your walk. God is glorious and beautiful, and this is the struggle of us all; to reflect that glory.
So i wrote this about a year ago, but that often still represents my misconceptions of God. I remember sitting on my porch in a perfectly peaceful moment with God smoking pipe and looking at the stars on a beautiful BC night...
December 16-06...
“all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be”. Yikes. The sovereignty of God is sovereign. What about the bad days? Are they ordained? What about when my heart goes cold, when I don’t believe, when lust rears its ugly head, when I rage against God, defy God, and possibly worst of all – misrepresent God. What happens to the divine plan of God when I lose it? I’m not talking about stubbing my toe and dropping the f-bomb, I am talking about boldfaced defiance of God’s perfect will. If my call is to such and such a time and place and my heart is not found to be true enough, do I miss God’s call? Perhaps for a time. Yet I believe perfect will is an ideal, not something to ever truly and wholly achieve. But this is not discouraging; it simply takes the limits off our life with God and thrusts us toward something infinitely, overwhelmingly, progressively glorious. Nothing is lost with God. The past is nothing. Actually nothing. Failures, missed chances, even extensively damaging heartaches do more than fade; they vanish instantaneously in His presence. This is the beauty of God. Years of ignorance, indifference, suppression, aggression, depression, hate and confusion don't have enough strength to last one second in the presence of the Almighty.
I need to get to that place with God.
David said the one thing he would ask God would be to stand in his prescence all the days of his life. I think David had it right.
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