so i have been reading some good old testament lately. its pretty wild stuff. God went to great lengths to be reunited with his people. ridiculous lengths.
Some people think that the God of the old testament is hopelessly irreconcilable to the God of the new. i think those people are crazy. i think there is no better place to look for the heart of God than the stories in the OT.
been finding alot of revelation even in the really thick parts of the OT. i was reading about all God's legalistic requirements for his priests and being blow away at the lengths God went to, to show them they were glorious. he literally made them where turbans with the solid gold inscription, "HOLY TO THE LORD". i can just see God thinking to himself, "how can i show them how incredible and worthwhile they really are?".
Right from the get go He has been relentlessly pursuing his people, and the first move has never been with us. i am always the responder and always the receiver. the ball is in my court.
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