Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Overflow

"For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" MT. 12:34

My life has to be lived out of the overflow.

In the overflow we reach beyond ourselves,
in the overflow we see what was meant to be,
in the overflow we touch the unseen,
in the overflow there is no lack,
in the overflow we meet God.

Someone once told me there are 2 kinds of Christians in this world; reservoirs and canals. Canals simply allow the stream to flow through them whenever it happens to rush through. Reservoirs have the capacity to retain. They never lack life in them. in drought and flood they always have more than enough. the overflow is all about our ability to retain. everybody wants a word from God but nobody remembers the last one.

"Above all else, guard you heart, for it is the wellspring of life" PRV. 4:23

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

i started my first blog quoting prov 4:23 -- love it! i agree with what you wrote. i think it's so important for christians to live out of the overflow. and i believe the only way to do this is by filling one's own cup first [and this can only be done by seeking God and by relying & recharging completely on Him before attempting anything else]... only then are we able to make any heavenly difference on earth. if we only live out of the cup (or canal as you put it), it will eventually run dry. it's better to fill the cup so much that it overflows & streams into other people's lives. well said andrew!